We always try to look for the “good idea” in the pitches we receive on the internet. Let’s talk about the flik car light from geshowit, an LED hand that can be set to either wave at other drivers, or flip them the bird, or give them your love as you drive by.

Why we made this cool car light.
As you know, driving is an integral part of our daily lives, we could meet a variety of drivers, and their driving behavior will affect our moods inadvertently, and such negative moods will also affect our days since the moods cannot be released timely.
We will get angry when we meet drivers whose driving behaviors are inappropriate, we can only abide it in silently in our vehicle with nowhere to abreact.

We will be annoyed because our misbehavior affects other drivers, but we cannot apologize. Also, we will be annoyed because we need other drivers to give way in an emergency, but we cannot appreciate
From now on, Geshowit provides you a chance to make your vehicle “talk”. It allows you to express your feelings at any time while driving. Otherwise, we will keep the moods of regret, annoyance, and anger with us till we are out of our vehicle.
What are the differences between flik me baby and geshowit middle finger hand light
Compared to flik me baby’s middle finger car light, geshowit’s flik car light has 3 different gestures: Wave, peace and love, and middle finger, which means this hand-led middle finger car light is not only a middle finger car light but also a led light to show your loves or thank you to other drivers. We encourage drivers to friendly with a tolerable heart. Of course, if you cannot bare the other drivers finally, you can also flip them with a bird. (Normally, we do not recommend you to flik them off in most instances)

Our middle finger car light only sells for $29.98 on both amazon.com and geshowit.com, it could be a great gift idea for men and women.